Public Interest and Charitable Activities
We provide legal services to support educational, humanitarian, and other public interest and charitable organizations and activities.
From its founding our firm has given a high priority to providing services without charge to support educational, humanitarian, and other public interest and charitable organizations and activities. Among the issues our work has addressed are: defending voting rights and other civil rights in the U.S.; U.S. justice system reform; providing direct legal services to low-income individuals; international humanitarian law; post conflict transitional justice; prevention of war crimes; assistance to victims of domestic violence; combatting forced labor and child labor; counteracting transnational repression of emigres; promoting the rights of non-citizens; international economic development in low-income countries; and designing peace processes to end international armed conflict.
Some of the organizations the PKR team has cooperated with on these issues include: The Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under Law; Catholic Charities Legal Network; The Yemen Peace Project; Win Without War; House of Ruth; Crisis Action; and The State Fragility Initiative.
We also encourage and support individual and collective research and writing for scholarly publications and websites as well as participation in professional seminars and public events.
Examples of Current Projects
Co-authoring Chapter of the book “Transnational Repression in the Age of Globalization” soon to be published by University of Edinburgh Press;
Coordination with NGOs assisting victims of transnational repression;
Assisting Senior Consultant of World Bank re studies of state fragility and of Yemen recovery planning;
Exploring avenues for legal accountability for war crimes and crimes against humanity in respect of the current armed conflicts in Yemen and Ethiopia, in cooperation with interested NGOs and legal scholars; and
Working with non-profit organizations and federal agencies to strengthen import controls on products made with forced and child labor.